Happy New Year!!!!

What a year! What YEARS! As my son, Darren, exclaimed, “Let’s just call this another ‘roaring 20’s’ . They didn’t arrive with a whimper but they keep roaring on from one disaster to another.

A year ago my friend, Marla, gave me this lovely little ‘prayer jar’ . It came with little papers on which to write a prayer.

I decided to write something I was thankful for every single week of 2021. I was thinking that I bet at the end of this year when I read them all I will remember that I actually had quite a wonderful year.

I am really looking forward to doing this on January 1st.

During this past week we had a few family members come down with colds or the flu or the dreaded Covid. They all booked PCR tests. Our daughter, Lana, from California and her fiancé, Jeff, got negative results and we said our good-byes before they flew back to the States. (They had quite the journey home with delayed flights by TWO DAYS, etc.)

Emily took a rapid test and it came back positive! Four days later …..she tested negative. Wow! She and her partner are now feeling better and better. We took a rapid test on December 30th so that we could have our other Vancouver family visit with us again. Their Covid tests came back negative and so did ours, thanks be to God!

During our last days of the year with our family around us we played a lot of board games. It is something our entire family loves to do…including the wee ones.

It is actually amazing how good our little grandsons are at playing games and of course a little embarrassing when they ‘beat the pants off of us’…ha ha.

All this family time , this quiet time to sit with everyone and figure out strategies and all the laughs that come out of the experience of playing games has been something that I will hold onto for quite some time after our home is back to just the two of us.

Happy New Year all!

May 2022 bring all of us much happiness, less fear, peace, and of course good health in body, mind, and spirit.

God bless you,




2022 !


Creative Kids