Creative Kids

Terry and I as “Nonny and Papa” get a big kick out of doing crafts with our 4 older grandsons.

They can all sit for hours creating things…with or without us….which is wonderful and fills up a day when you have a lot of hours to fill too.

We always set up a ‘craft table’ that’s just their size and when they wake up in the morning they seem to go straight to the little chairs there so they can start cutting or taping or drawing or colouring to their heart’s content.

This Christmas our girls and their partners gave all the older boys kits for making gingerbread houses.

All of the boys and their ‘mentors’ had a great time designing their homes with the wonderful anticipation of the eventual gustatory demolishing of those new homes.

They had a great time and when they were allowed to eat some of their houses I was brought to tears when the two youngest boys, M and I, offered me pieces of candy off of their precious creations before they had even tried one bite. SO sweet and thoughtful.

It’s New Year’s Eve now.

I know we will be hunkered down and not doing too much this year. But it’s also like 40 below so it’s nice to be staying in together and ringing in the new year with those I love.

Stay safe and let’s have a better new year……


Happy New Year!!!!


Christmas Miracle