A Day Of Rest

Today was a quiet day. A simple time of resting, reading, and relaxation.

One great thing about this property is that it is spacious and there are many places to sit and find one’s own space.

Paula and Albert, for example, can be reading down by the fire pit while we might be up on the deck, in the house, or gone for a walk. We can be together but we can also enjoy just being with our partners.

We all slept in today which felt really good. Terry made us ‘smoothies’ and coffees. Our resident deer pranced by while we made our way outside to greet the sun.

I can’t get over how well appointed this property is! “Stacey” has thought of everything and it is rather high end in decorating and the quality of her furniture and appliances. Our host provides the wood for the fire, all sheets, towels, condiments, the barbeque, and the list goes on and on. I think she’s thought of everything. You want to cook? She has every spice, utensil, pot, and pan. We feel very blessed to be here.

We had lunch in our bug tent again today and then while Albert read, we played Tile Rummy. I’m happy to say we all had our turn at winning.

We were told that ‘whiskey jacks’ (birds) would eat right out of your hands and we tried to get them to land but there are just so many bird feeders here that they don’t need to.

Terry’s happy he brought our hammock and I had a nice rosary and Divine Mercy session in the backyard with Paula and Albert. Paula cooked up some mighty yummy nachos for dinner and then we all played my new “Password” game. SO much fun! ( Thanks again, Lana)

Our evening brought out our first starry sky and Albert and Paula tried their very first S’mores thanks to our welcome basket from Stacey and some fire pit cooking from Terry. They liked them!

Sometimes when I’m away I feel guilty about all the things I “should” be doing. But then I think about the words in the following poem and I realize that life is to be lived and experienced ! And although dusting certainly is appreciated and has its place, so do holidays have an important place in balancing off the busy and mundane tasks we do on a daily basis.


Sunwapta and Athabasca Falls


Off To Crescent Falls