The Trip

It feels so good to be able to travel again now that the world has access to vaccines.

And yes, Covid is still here but most relatively healthy people get over it and go on to live healthy lives.

So it was fun dreaming about Hawaii once again and looking forward to getting ready to go after our delightful Christmas.

There were some scary times with one of our dear friends falling and ending up in hospital over the holidays and even one of our grandchildren had to have an ambulance called for breathing/fever issues and they eventually ended up getting looked at in the hospital right before their trip home. Ugh. ( He is all better now. :).

Well, 2 nights before our trip I was just finalizing packing details and I brought some items out into our basement living room to add to our giant hockey bag.(with which we travel so that we can be assured of a good mattress and a toilet seat that I can get off of….ha ha. ) I didn’t turn the lights on.

I shoved the items in, turned quickly, and did not notice that my foot had become entangled with the handle which lay on the ground.

Suddenly, I felt myself hurtling to the hard floor and even as I tripped I felt myself yelling, “Oh no. OH no. OH NOOOOOOO !!!!”

Would I be the next person to end up in the hospital?

Not gonna lie. It hurt like hell. I already have a ton of arthritic pain in my body so crashing down on my already swollen right knee, sore hip, and right hand was not fun.
I think my lovely fat deposits might have given me a bit of a bounce because I did NOT break anything!!!!

But once I could sit up safely there was the next scary thing: how do I get up off of the floor? I certainly can’t kneel . Oh man.

Thinking about what my mum once suggested (after a fall a few years ago when I was cooking and caught my foot on an uneven flooring) I slowly slid my body towards our staircase. I pushed my body about 6 feet to the bottom of it.

Once there, Terry got behind me and between me lifting my body with my arms and he lifting me as well from behind I was able to get up to the second stair in two tries. Then he came ‘round front and easily lifted me up. Phew.

I knew to ice my sore bits immediately. It wasn’t long before I went into some kind of shock reaction and started shaking uncontrollably but I added a blanket to my lap and eventually they subsided. And there’s nothing like a nice, hot cuppa when you’re feeling blue. Thank you, Terry. We watched an episode or two of our new favourite show, “Trying”.

I took Tylenol , put some topical medication on my knee, and hoped I could get some sleep. And I did.

The next day, to my great surprise and relief, I was bruised but did not have any more swelling than I normally do in my knee. I am so thankful to God. I was walking slowly….but I was WALKING!

So: the trip before the trip ended up o.k.. All is well as it can be after that.

Time to relax in the sun……




Exciting Creations