Throwback Thursday: Youth Corps

Youth Corps. That was the name of the youth group that my ‘bestie’ Rosemary invited me to join when I was a young high school girl.

That invite changed my life forever…for the good!

How many strong memories I still have of meeting with the mixed group (girls and guys) in the basement of St. Anne’s church for our weekly meetings.

I remember our “Godspell” themed costumes for one event. I remember the joy of praying together and passing the candle around the circle so we knew when it was our turn to speak….or to listen.

I remember our cool “Bits and Pieces” jackets that we bought which were sort of purple with a ‘bomber style' look.

We did acts of service around our neighbourhoods. I remember painting a sidewalk red. Singing at the nursing home.

We laughed together and cried together too. I remember a late night vigil for our friend, Larry, and his car accident.

We sang “Beautiful people” and other songs of the time together. Rose often brought in something inspiring to read which led to great discussions.

Some of our friends entered the priesthood.

Fr. Bob often opened the meeting for us and he is still in my life today.

In fact, most of the kids that were in that group are still friends with me today. Amazing!

This was more than just a youth group. This was a group held together by the Spirit.

What a lucky teenager I was….no wait. What a blessing that was and still is today when I think back on it.

Thanks, Rosemary.

See you soon!

I found a photo of the jacket! I’m wearing it in the first photo. These were photos from around the time of Youth Corps.




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