Maplewood Farm

Although it was a rather cold day, it wasn’t raining so we made the decision to take our youngest grandson to Maplewood Farm.

I think we’ve taken 5 of our grandsons to this place ….all when they were two years old. It’s the perfect place to bring a little one because honestly, there’s not that much to do but just enough interesting things to look at for a young one.

When we came here years ago it was much more fun because there were all kinds of gorgeous chickens and roosters running about, a full duck pond, and lots of buildings where you could feed the bunnies or pet the chicks.

Not sure if Covid brought about the changes but there was much less about to see and do.

Thankfully, our wee one, “R”, was absolutely adorable and so appreciative of anything he saw and he just loved the freedom of being able to run around. He kept saying in his cute voice,”Let’s go see more animals, Nonny!” and then he’d scamper off to the next enclosure.

He loved the petting zoo section (that was filled with goats) the best. Once he saw how gentle they were he wanted to pet every single one I think. At one point he was just jumping up and down with excitement!

He’s just really learning how to put sentences together but when it was time to leave he said, “I don’t want to go.”

I would say that counts as a success!


A Wonderful Saturday

