A Wonderful Saturday

Our son, “D”, wanted to pop over to the market to grab some fresh fruit for our Easter brunch the next day.

So we left “J” with the laundry folding, “R” and their doggie and piled into the van to see what we could find. We were uncomfortable with the gazillions of people shopping there so glad we didn’t stay long. Is no one nervous about Covid anymore? I know a few families that just got it again. Ugh.

We took a few portraits while we were out then returned to their home to have an afternoon drawing together. Before we knew it, it was time for us to head over to Terry’s sister and her partner’s for dinner.

A few more portraits before we were treated to the most delicious dinner and dessert all made by “K” ….Homemade lasagna, caesar salad with lovely wine followed by “Hummingbird Cake” which is a moist cake filled with pineapple, coconut, and bananas. Yum!

It was a “Wizard” night after that so their adorable dog, “Happy”, played on her own and we got into the game which kept us all up past our bedtimes….ha ha.

The days are swiftly flying by now.

Love our families so much.


Such A Beautiful Easter


Maplewood Farm