Lunch, Lou, and The Loo

It’s hard to believe that I’m only seeing some of my dearest friends for the first time in 3 years….since before Covid hit us hard.

I continue to feel the theme of thanksgiving as I get together with these wonderful folks and I’m so completely blessed by their friendships.

I think that’s really true. I think it’s important to not take our friendships for granted. Keep the soil “mulched’ and healthy by putting some extra effort in.

My sister, Paula, and husband, Albert did such a kindness for me. Not only did they recently install a handrail for me to be able to get up their stairs and into their home but they bought a handle for me to get up from the ‘loo’.

The catch was that Terry had to install it…ha ha.

But, he did in short order and we were both gifted with a delicious dinner of flatbread and salad.

Relationships are give and take and how happy I am to have the blessing of such great relationships.

Let’s remember to always nurture our relationships. Lockdowns kept us apart but now we can have in person meetings of the heart.


Morning Light


Colour My World