Colour My World

I feel a need to send you beauty.

The news just keeps getting worse and worse and sometimes I just want to cry.

Sometimes I do cry when I read about the unlawful war in the Ukraine or the disastrous droughts or flooding in other parts of the world.

And I think if we can we need to share things that make us happy.

Autumn is on fire. The foliage is the colour of fire : red, orange, yellow.

Fire symbolism can simultaneously denote illumination and purification and destruction and pain.

That about says it all. Our world has all of these things going on right now.

Some people are suffering with the destruction of their homes or pain in their bodies, spirits, or relationships.

Others are finding themselves stronger for the pain they have endured and are able to find a purification and illumination in how to move forward.

Let’s share the beauty that’s within us for those that might be lonely or hurting.

Let’s be on fire with love for our neighbour.

Let’s open our eyes to the beauty around us …and within us…because we are all beautiful in our own way.

Autumn is a short season where I live. Soon it will be winter. So let’s enjoy every beautiful day.


Lunch, Lou, and The Loo

