Jasper Getaway

For my birthday present this year Terry decided to take me to the mountains. Or rather, shall I say, I took him as I did all the driving…ha ha.

We knew it was going to be a rainy drive but we didn’t predict just how rainy.

It was like driving through walls of wet most of the way there and thank goodness there wasn’t that much traffic.

But we totally enjoyed the conversation and finished up our latest audiobook called, “Nothing To See Here”, which was SO good.This was a fun tale of friendship, class differences, and ….children that spontaneously combust. Funny!

Arriving in Jasper we were once again greeted by the mountains like running into the warm embrace of old friends. I literally release any tension I have in my body.

We always try and book the same cabin as it is the most isolated and well appointed. Lovely.

It was an evening of beautiful views, yummy food, and gentle reading time by the fire. (We brought all of our own homemade but frozen dinners for the week) and last night we enjoyed lasagna that Terry had made me for my actual birthday dinner.

We woke up to snow.

Check out the same window…….


Sunwapta Falls


Jewelry Shadow Boxes