Finding Fun At Home

Our wonderful friend, Lou, told us about a musical in which her nephew, Justin, had one of the lead roles.

We decided it would be fun to go to the heritage building “The Capitol Theatre” at Fort Edmonton Park to see him in the musical “Romance, Romance”.

It was a fun thing to do for sure and made even more fun by accidentally meeting up with some of Louise’s family right outside the theatre doors!

The musical was interesting….not our favourite….but Justin was SO good and so was the whole cast of four performers.

It was nice (for us) to have seats not near other folks who mostly sat in the middle section. We’re still quite careful about not wanting to get sick.

The first act took place at the turn of the century and had a fun story about an aristocrat who was quite well off who was bored with the dating world. He sought out a pauper for fun and dressed up as a poor poet to see if he could find someone in a different ‘class’ to date.

He meets up with a ‘loose woman’ who is also bored with her life so she pretends to be an innocent little poor girl and ends up dating the “poet” (rich fellow). Their lies eventually come to the light …but they’re actually relieved because they both really do want the way of life that money can give them. The music was repetitive but the acting and vocals were great.

The second act moved up to modern times with the same four actors but the music for us was even more repetitive and the story about best friends who are deciding if they want to leave their married partners to have an affair was not very fun.

But it’s been a long time since we’ve been to a theatre and THAT was fun!

We connected with family a bit through social media on Family Day.

The two of us decided to go for a walk downtown and take our Scrabble game in the hopes of finding somewhere open that would accommodate our sitting there for awhile with the game and perhaps a cup ot tea.

We found this place in Block 1912 Café. There sure were a lot of interesting people there. (Too bad I already did my “People Watching” blog!)

But we did have a great time playing Scrabble. It’s been a very long time since we did and the scores were super close!

There’s always something interesting to do if you look around.

Feels good to be home for a few weeks.


The Bubble


When Prayer Is All We Have….