Mosaic Table Repair

Once upon a time I saved up pieces of my antique china that broke over our 40 years of marriage….I knew that I hoped to turn the broken into something beautiful once again.

I finally purchased an old Singer Sewing Machine table and with the help of Terry cutting out the table shape for me, I taught myself how to make a mosaic image and cement it into a design. Terry assembled the whole thing and he poured epoxy over it so that it would be protected. Once it dried and sealed we could enjoy it outside as an end table. And we did!

Imagine my shock and dismay when we returned home from an errand one day the following summer and I noticed that the entire table top had lifted up and cracked!!!! All those years of saving and then creating ….gone in an instant it seemed.

I should have remembered that I married my own “MacGyver” and before I knew it, he had carefully, oh so carefully, removed the top and started planning how he could possibly save my art.

I wish I would have thought to take a photo of the table top lifted up like a wave but you can see above the layers of wood that had to be removed before Terry thought of using caulking to hold the china tiles in place after he had clamped the image down back to the flat form.

Terry then purchased and sawed new wood into the shape he wanted in which the mosaic would now sit. He painted it black.

The sawdust that was created wreaked some havoc with Terry’s lungs until he smartly wore a mask next time ‘round.

He built a frame in which to put a new piece of glass over the whole image. So now the mosaic was safely sandwiched between strong wood and the new frame AND covered with glass. It wasn’t going anywhere AND we will leave it indoors from now on.

Terry also spray painted the table legs black and the letters a bright gold. Just beautiful!

Thank-you, SO much, Terry, for saving my project. It looks even better than before!


Autumn Splendor


Parish Picnic