Old Barn and Granary Commissioned Paintings

Although I am used to unexpected snow all the way up to the May Long Weekend it was still surprising to see a full on blizzard arrive this weekend in our city mid April!

This gave me a lot of time indoors and I had two commissions to complete so I got to work.

Luckily I had already purchased the small, 8 X 10 canvasses on which I chose to work so I didn’t have to brave the crazy weather .

These are paintings of my friend’s daughter’s old barn and granary which are both barely standing. Cheryl asked me to paint them as they are going to be dismantled soon and the wood recycled for flooring and the like.

It was a really fun project to do as I think working on a black canvas really makes the paint colours pop in a whole different way then just painting on the usual white background.

You are actually getting to see the finished work before she does.

What do you think?

P.S. It is now later in the evening and the sun from today has just about melted all the snow.

(That’s the way I like it!)

View from my front door yesterday…….

View from my front door yesterday…….


The Vaccine


My City.