More “World’s Biggest”!

The day started off a bit rainy and lots of clouds as we headed south to see about another “World’s Biggest” statue. My dear friend, Mert, told me about this one and since we were heading in that direction to go to Rosebud anyway we decided we had to take another corny photo for our collection.

Of course we had to purchase a bag of “Cheetos” to take in the World’s Biggest Cheeto in Cheadle, Alberta…ha ha. They had the statue behind a barbed wire fence upon which a sign clearly stated that people were not supposed to climb…the fence or the statue.

What is amazing is that these crazy statues really do bring people in from all over the place. I’m sure small towns must do this to bring in the tourists because once again, in the small window of time we were there, there must have been about 6 cars parked and at least 4 more drove in to do exactly what we were doing.

Cheadle, a town of around 100 people, sits about 30 miles east of Calgary in south-central Alberta, Canada. From what I could see there were only about 3 streets, no amenities, such as a any kind of store, gas station, etc.

It seemed like a ‘no brainer’ to us that someone should at the very least put up a stand to sell the famous Cheetos near the statue.

But if somebody were to build a café in the town I know that folks like us who drove for 4 hours from another city would stop by and have a meal or a cuppa with a snack.

After our little foray to Cheadle we headed north east back up to our favourite little town of Rosebud to check out their latest play, “Stones in His Pockets” about a town in Ireland that has a movie company come in and hires many of the town folk as ‘extras’ on the film

Two actors played every single part in the comedy and I have to say they did such a great job that we were never confused as to which character they were playing at any one time. There was the famous screen actress who was low self esteem about her bad Irish accent. There were the boys who were looking for a better life. There were the film crew, cast members, and the boy who put stones in his pockets to kill himself.

It was moving. It was funny too. Well done, Rosebud Theatre, once again! We also had a delicious buffet dinner. We took the night off from any careful diet restrictions and it was great! And music! There are always Rosebud Theatre students that perform at the Mercantile while one enjoys dinner. This night was no exception. This time it was two sisters who did some old Johnny Cash and Leonard Cohen songs.

Also staying at The Country Inn owned by our great friends, “B.J.” and Ken was wonderful as always.(They even put permanent bars in the tub area for me this time! )

That morning our server, Danae Kimpinski, also sang for us.( She is a twin with our usual server and I couldn’t tell them apart!) Danae actually won an international song contest for her song about her mother called “Mother Dear” and it was so pretty it brought tears to my eyes.

Soon it was time for……Terry (!) to get the bags in our car….ha ha…and away we went on our return trip home.

As you can see, the days ended up providing some wonderful opportunities for autumn photos. I love those stripey clouds!

What we didn’t expect was to find two more ‘BIG’ things on our travels.

We found a ‘big’ gumball machine and a ‘World’s Biggest Golf Tee” in the town of Trochu. Located about an hour southeast of Red Deer, it is home to the world's largest golf tee and we only just made it in time to see the towering 12 m (40 ft) tall tee which stands just outside the Trochu Golf and Country Club.

Folks driving a truck were just about to lock the entry gate as we pulled up and they kindly let us buzz in to take our photos.

We had a great little 2 day road trip and I feel blessed that the weather held for us. I found out today that Calgary got 10 inches of snow!


Happy Hallowe’en, 2022!


Another Godchild