Goose. Goose. DUCK!

A couple of times a year I have the blessing of meeting up with my dear friend, Tim.

This year we took advantage of the gorgeous (hot!) weather and met up at Hawrelac Park.

Spring has sprung at the park and there were geese and goslings everywhere! We actually had to be careful where we stepped because of all the …..droppings.

I did not know that there was a Culina restaurant at the park but we enjoyed a nice lunch provided by Culina’s By The Lake and my veggie burger was very good!

Some of the geese seemed to be fighting off the ducks or the seagulls and some were ‘yelling’ at each other but they seemed pretty tame around us human types.

In fact, at one point, a whole gaggle of goslings trouped right up to my legs and the mummy and daddy goose did not even make a peep or try to nip at me. Very unusual I thought. I was just trying not to trip over them all …ha ha.

Tim and I went for a long walk around the whole lake after lunch and again we saw whole families of geese with their goslings…I counted 27 in one family as they swam in a long line. He showed me a brand new pavillion and a time capsule imbedded in the wall.

It was a wonderful catch up about our lives and the lives of our families.

Oh! And what really inspired the timing of our walk after lunch?

We had just finished up and heard and witnessed this giant PLOP/SPLASH of white ‘goo’ on our picnic table from a black crow in the tree directly above us. More like “DUCK!” It just missed Tim and it seemed like a good time to get moving before we were dive bombed again…ha ha.


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