Storms and sun


They’re everywhere.

They’re in our minds. Our hearts. Exemplified in our anxieties and our anger.

I read about the storms every morning . In the actions of our politicians. In the responses to the actions of our politicians.

We might not ‘storm the capitol’ but we have a penchant for ripping down statues and erasing the past.

Cyclones tear through India and volcanoes erupt.

And everyday we deal with the world-wide pandemic.

There are truly storms everywhere and every day it seems.

Yesterday, as I was taking photos of all the storms near small town,Thorsby, I noticed that the sun was shining at the same time.

We would use our windshield wipers like crazy to get through a few blocks and then it would suddenly be gloriously sunny and hot too.

There was such a beauty in each storm cloud. The sun gave them your classic ‘silver lining’ and we never felt afraid.

This reminds me of how I feel about the storms of life.

I am not afraid of them because I know that there is always a silver lining to every hardship.

Storms can also bring out the best in people. They give people a chance to be angels on earth with their kindnesses and offers of help.

I have always learned many important lessons from my own difficulties. I’ve learned that I’m not alone. I’ve learned to pray. I’ve learned to adapt. This reminds me of something my friend,Tim, said the other day.

“God protects me from nothing and sustains me through everything.”

This is so true.

Yesterday, the sun took some things that might otherwise have been considered ugly and turned them into beautiful things for me to admire….garbage cans, a moldy fence, and even the darkest, most foreboding skies.

This is also what the Son can do to the ugliest soul or situation.

He can shine through and we will see that beauty.


Small Town Thorsby
