Farmhouse Photoshoot!

Two of the buildings at the abandoned farm.

Two of the buildings at the abandoned farm.

Terry and I try to take advantage of the nicest days of the week and head out for drives to explore the city and surrounding areas. 

Our dear friend,Pat, told us about her nice drive out to the small town of Holden,Alberta,so that was our destination after mass.

The skies were absolutely perfect for photographs so we allowed ourselves to enjoy various stops along the way to pursue this hobby. 

We also finished our John Grisham “A Time For Mercy” audio book which was really good.

I will have two more posts based on our adventures but here are the neat photographs we took of an abandoned farmhouse near Holden. 

Terry carefully helped me up into the old house and I’m so glad he did! The colours in the house were so beautiful too with the peeling paint and gentle lighting.

We fooled around with some posing of our own and had some fun with that as well.

I loved this stop and this day. 

More stories to come on Monday. 

Happy weekend to you!


Holden on…


The Mighty Dandelion