Zucchini Cake

After my lovely visit with Cathy Harvey the other day, I left her home with the gift of a giant zucchini!

Now I actually don’t like the taste of zucchini. But interestingly enough, I LOVE cake!

So I spent the afternoon trying out my very first Zucchini Cake recipe that I found online.

(I chose the one that had the most ‘5 star’ reviews.)

It was very easy to make except for the shredding of the vegetable itself. I don’t have a food processor or something like that so I just used my (sore) arm power to shred it on this grater thingy (proper term) that I own.

I needed three cups! But other than that it was just simple following the steps of the recipe and mixing away.

The recipe said that you were supposed to stack the 2 cakes but I decided to just ice both cakes and freeze one for later.

They only took a half an hour to bake and after icing them they turned out to be delicious, moist beauties. Better even with a dollop of ice cream of course.

I highly recommend this recipe. It’s a great way to eat the vegetable you don’t like… ha ha.


BIrthday Fun


A Backyard Oasis