BIrthday Fun

A while back when it was our Emma’s birthday we surprised her with a custom made “Bobble head “ doll.

I sent the folks an image of Em in her ‘Bad Buddy’ persona and they did their best to capture her with her turquoise guitar and special eye make-up.

Crazy (Expensive! Not gonna lie) gift but we had lots of laughs and a great time as always with our girl and Geoff.

We were in Ontario for Terry’s birthday this year so the other night, Em and Geoff treated Terry to a belated birthday celebration at the French restaurant in town called “The Marc”.

It was a beautiful place (with Covid rules in place) and we had the most wonderful, relaxing evening with delicious food.

We had lots of fun catching up on “Bad Buddy” news. They are doing so well with some of their original songs chosen for movies and television shows, playing festivals again, a new music video on the way for ‘Mind Control” ,one of their newest songs, and auditioning a new bass player. Many changes but all good things despite Covid.

We all enjoyed the truffle fries, olives, crispy chips, and salad appies. And we were allowed to bring our own wine!

Terry had a perfectly cooked Steak dinner, Emily enjoyed her pan seared Tuna, Geoff loved his Duck meal, and I enjoyed the Soba Noodle and Peanut salad.

And of course we had to sing to the birthday boy as he held his freshly cooked “Mini Doughnuts” with caramel sauce. Yum!

Thank-you, Emily and Geoff. Always a pleasure to be near you.


The Classroom Of Silence


Zucchini Cake