My Other Vintage Jewelry Creations for Christmas 2022

I have really enjoyed getting into my vintage jewelry projects this year (and last year!)

Here are three more creations that I had a lot of joy working on…and hopefully as much joy for the recipients!

Last year my friend, Dar, dropped off some of her own jewelry to me when she heard that I was creating images with old/vintage type jewelry. I thought it was SO kind of her so I wanted to surprise her by returning her kindness with a shadowbox of her very own.

I noticed that I had a lot of heart pieces so I decided to make a pretty heart for her.

My friend, Cathy, has a very strong faith so I thought she might like a jewelry cross image. She DID!

My lovely friend, Lou, had a few happy tears when she received her cross shadow box because I surprised her by returning the gift (she also gave me) of one of her mother’s favourite earrings in this form.

I was so tickled that she spotted the earrings immediately and I’m so very very happy that she and her hubby also like the gift.

All three of these presents took hours and hours of ….love!

Peace, friends.


Parting Shots


The Surprise