1st SpiritLine Front Porch Concert Summer 2021

Although about half of our registered attendees cancelled due to the heat wave here in Edmonton, we still had just the right amount of people to appreciate the dulcet tones of Jim and Jan Baker at our first Front Porch Concert of the summer.

Terry did most of the heavy lifting (literally) to set up the homemade stage upon our stairs and put flags all over our yard for social distancing.

Friends and neighbours brought their own lawn chairs and drinks, hats and shades.

They say a bad rehearsal bodes well for a good show and I think we added one to the list last night.

It wasn’t really ‘bad’ per se but we had some sound system issues. Terry figured out that he had accidentally stepped on a cord and pulled it out of the plug so naturally…no sound for his bass at that point. That was an easy fix.

Then when he went to get sound out of his guitar…nada. We figured out by trial and error that the electronics in his guitar had quit. Dang. So he used mine last night and all was well.

Everyone really appreciated the live music and it was so fun to finally gather again outside.

Jan sang half original tunes and the other half the most lovely, mellow “covers”. Jim played a couple of different guitars and sang harmonies with his bride.

Our first set went over well with SpiritLine only performing four songs. What a treat it was to be the opening act and then to sit back on the porch and listen to the Bakers.

And one of the best parts? By donation we raised $250. for the Hope Mission downtown.


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