
We say good-bye to Rosebud for now and after hugging our family one last time before they are on their way home, we head off on our own 10 day adventure.

Terry and I have decided to take a bit of a “World’s Biggest”, southern Alberta tour to see more of our province and have a nice holiday.

We stopped in Vauxhall today to get a photo of the World’s Biggest Potatoes. The town of Vulcan was calling our name too so we had to stop there to find the World’s Biggest Starship Enterprise.

Terry and I were so surprised at the topography today. I was thinking that we would see all kinds of interesting ,old farmhouses along the way, but it was miles and miles and miles of flat, farmland with very few buildings . With the 35 degree weather it was very possible to get lulled to sleep as the driver so we had to stop our audiobook ,”The Rose Code”, so that we could chat, switch drivers, have a snack, etc., to keep awake.

For some reason, I thought the town of Vulcan was going to be more like Drumheller : much more fun and themed than it was! It was pretty quiet and there wasn’t even a fun, Starship themed restaurant in town so we ended up just eating at a Subway. Weird. But we did grab of photo of the Starship at least.

After that it was off to our first overnight destination and another “World’s Biggest”……..Stay tuned!


Medicine Hat

