Use Your Words

When we speak a word an image immediately pops in our heads.

We can picture a cow when we say the word cow.

Brian Morykon says, “Jesus is called the Word because he is a visible representation of the invisible God. “If you’ve seen me,” he said, “you’ve seen the Father.”

Do we really listen when others speak ….or do we just plow through with our own thoughts and words?

Do we use words to build each other up….or tear others down?

We can love each other with the way we use our words and by listening well to those of of those around us. And today discernment is more important than ever. With the ‘deep fakes’ that are starting to pop up ( where certain companies can use A.I. to inject fake words into videos of people speaking…like politicians, etc.) we need to stay close to “The Word”.

And sometimes we have to ‘read between the lines’. What is our friend or family member trying to say? We all know words can hurt and that sometimes actions speak louder than words. How best to communicate we wonder.

Let’s try and find the words to pray more often even if the words come from a silent place in our hearts that only God can hear.

It’s hard to believe and sad to know that the war in the Ukraine has been continuing on for a year.

Listen to these words for the Ukraine crisis by the Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel:

Sovereign Lord, you observe all those who dwell on earth.

Have mercy we pray on those who now suffer the miseries of a war not of their own making.

Have compassion on the wounded and dying; comfort the broken-hearted; confound the hatred and madness of those who make war; guide our rulers, bring war to an end, bring peace across the world.

Unite us all under the reign of your Son, the Prince of Peace, before whose judgement seat the rulers of the world will give account, and in whose name we pray.


(With thanks to Brian Morykon)


The Stranger


The Stations Of The Cross