The Circle of Life

Today really brought to mind ‘the circle of life’. 

It’s my sister, Paula’s, birthday today. (My sister,Pamela’s, birthday is on Thursday!)

Paula and I slept in the same room our whole growing up years. At one point we had four girls in one room and our brother had his own.

Our family is so close but only Paula is close in proximity these days. For over twenty years I’ve flown home to Ontario for the entire month of May. Myself and my three sisters would go away to a different Bed and Breakfast or Air B & B for the May long weekend where we have traditionally had a big birthday celebration evening as we were all born around the same time of year.

This year marks year two of not being able to travel due to Covid so tonight, Paula and her husband, Albert, are coming over for a socially distancing birthday dinner. As much as I’m missing all of my Ontario family I am happy for the blessing of one sister close by.

This morning my ninety year old buddy, Bob, called me to say his 88 year old sister just died.He and I chatted about some of his fond memories of his beloved sister. She had dementia at the end and he feels she is in ‘a better place’ now.

I heard my friend,Mary’s, nieces (twins!) finally arrived home to their thrilled family .

Babies born,  mid-life birthdays, a friend’s sister passes on. A birth day. A birthday. A birth day into new life!

 The circle of life continues and I am so very very thankful for this incredible journey.


“Old Car” Off To Edson


The Little Girl who Couldn’t sit still.