
Somehow, despite the busyness of our weeks with family, I managed to complete the illustrations for a wonderful, new children’s book called “Stranded”, by Helen Church.

The story is about Chelsea who is naughty when she purposely knocks over her brother’s sandcastle. When she gets reprimanded she runs away and hides in a docked boat and falls asleep. To her dismay, she wakes up in the middle of the ocean and is adrift!

When she is finally landed and stranded on an island she learns to cope and has time to examine her actions.

I chose to work on black canvasses and enjoyed trying to bring this story to life with bright colours to match the exciting action of the story.

After 6 year old Chelsea finally gets rescued she decides to help her brother build a sandcastle to enter the local, annual sandcastle building contest….and they win first prize! She learns great lessons about asking forgiveness, teamwork, and kindness.

I think this book will be a terrific story for 4 to 7 or 8 year olds and I am honoured to be chosen for the illustrations.

I’ll let you know when it comes out!


Fort Edmonton


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