Ram Falls

It was sunny and hot the day we decided to drive to Ram Falls. Windy too! The drive took about and hour over gravel covered ,winding roads but it was worth the effort.

I loved the look of the place but I was certainly not able to make the stairs journey down to see the falls. In fact, at the movie, I actually wrenched out my right knee somehow and was having a lot of pain and trouble even walking.

So I parted ways with Terry and the gang for a bit and went on a bit of a forest exploration while they tackled the staircase down.

The first thing I noticed were the many pretty mushrooms along my path.

Such a lovely place to visit and there were picnic tables near the entrance too so we had our snack and then headed back home.

I highly recommend the journey out to Ram Falls.

Soon, our week was coming to a close but we managed one more road trip….

To Be Continued……


Nordegg No More….for now


Nordegg Con’t