Nearest and Dearest in Windsor

If we’re lucky,(or blessed is probably the better word), we get to see our Ontario families twice a year.

Like everyone else, Covid kept us apart for a couple of years but we took (another) chance, got our 5th vax, donned our masks, and hopped on a couple of planes to see our dear ones out east.

We don’t need to go far once we’re there. We just need to see that everyone is o.k. and share a meal or two, hugs, and good conversations.

Weird to see green grass outside when we have so much snow back home but the wind is still very cold and we’re glad we have our coats.

Many warm homes and warm smiles keep us happy and it’s been great to be with both of our sets of parents and dear friends too.

We’ve been able to watch my Dad start a new painting and check out his new works since our last visit. My sister, Mary, and I had a nice day in Essex, and Terry had a chance to decorate his parents’ tree with his sister Sherry. He had a lunch out with his sisters too, chatted with his brother, and we took my folks and Mary out to Cooper’s Hawk winery for a yummy lunch out. I also have had visits with Terry’s folks and we had a delightful evening with Terry’s “besties”,Pete and Denise, at their beautiful home.

The time is flying by as they say but we have been enjoying each moment and the blessings are too many too count.


Read On…..


Sweet Memories