Our California Adventure Begins!

“Oh my bags are packed, I’m ready to go…. I’m leavin’ on a jet plane…”

I have been looking forward to this event for a long time now. We are SO happy that Lana has found the love of her life in Jeff Beaudoin.

I managed to pack all my clothing for the week in a carry-on somehow (including my wedding outfit!) and at the WAY too early hour of 3 am. our alarm told us it was time to get up and get ready for the big adventure.

We got to the Edmonton airport in plenty of time and we had the blessing of having dry roads and a safe drive out to the airport. It was -17 when we left and about +17 when we arrived in Vancouver.

We arrived as the sun was just making his arrival too. And man, I do not regret leaving behind that snow for awhile. Although we haven’t had it long ….it will last at least 6 more months. Ugh!

We had no trouble at Vancouver customs and soon we were at our gate waiting for the next leg of our trip.

We were blessed to be able to travel business class so we had comfortable seats and time enough to watch a movie and enjoy our inflight breakfast. In just under 3 hours we landed in Orange County at the John Wayne Airport.

The weather was now about +20 and for this trip we tried renting our car from a company called TURO at our daughter, Lana’s suggestion. It’s a very nice car (Hyundai) so far and away we went to find Long Beach.

SO many cars on the highways at 2 pm….where are they all going? And when we got close enough to our hotel (The Courtyard Marriot) we stopped for a late lunch at “Louis Burgers the 3rd” . They were pretty good! Our Mexican host said that he would give us ‘mild’ yellow peppers to go with the meal but thank goodness Terry tried them first because he said they were SO spicy…ha ha. He loves spicy food but he said it would have killed me.

Next up it was time to decompress in our hotel, unpack, write our speech for the parents of the bride and perhaps try out the hottub!

Tomorrow we head off early to pick up my sister Pam who also flew in today and go to…..

To be continued……


Universal Studios


“Why Are You Looking At Me Like That?”