More Fun With Jewelry

I really enjoy making art out of jewelry.

You might recall that last year I created a Christmas tree out of earrings, brooches, and necklaces , some of which originally belonged to my family including my grand mother, my mother, my sisters, and my own special ‘treasures’.

This year I took the time to do two more creations.

Above you can see the plum line I used to get the cross straight and centred on my velvet background and ready to place in the shadow box.

I found a brooch for the top that for me symbolizes the ‘blood of Christ”. Below that is another brooch that is a crown that symbolizes that Jesus is our King.

The heart on the side represents the piercing by the Roman soldier and the harp at the bottom reminds me of his angels.

What do you think?

I also had the pleasure of creating a pretty wreath this year. These things take a lot of work but I just love how they turn out.

I have to physically pull the backing off of every single piece of jewelry (and try not to break them with my pliers). Then I glue tacks on the back of each piece, let them dry overnight ,and then carefully glue the individual jewelry pieces onto the velvet covered (cardboard) backing of the shadow box. The jewelry is of course expensive as each pair of earrings alone can cost up to $10. so I can only do so many. I look for donated pieces or good prices through garage sales, etc. and have amassed a nice collection at the moment.

Jane’s wreath.




2022 !