Off To Broadway….the village that is.

On October 23rd we BOTH woke up at 11 am. Woah. I hadn’t done that since I was a teenager. Ha ha. Must have needed the sleep. We looked up the most beautiful village in the Cotswolds and it came up “Broadway”. So we decided to take another road trip to check out this interesting and ancient place. From horses and pigeons to deer and foxes running across our path we had to be vigilant in our awareness. But soon enough we found the village of Broadway.

It was a beautiful day and it was so nice to still see fall colours and flowers too. We purchased some little treats for our parents at the Cotswold Chocolate shop.

I could’ve gone crazy taking photos of doors too! But here are a couple of my favourite from that day….

Most of the buildings appeared to be made of stone and the village is often called “The Jewel of the Cotswolds”. Broadway is an ancient settlement whose origins are uncertain. There is documentary evidence though of activity in the area as far back as Mesolithic times! I noticed services for Chimney Sweeps (!) and an ancient distance marker.

Mid day we found ‘high tea’ at the Broadway Hotel and it was presented so differently than in Canada…and it was as delicious as others we’ve received.

On our way home we decided to stop at one more interesting thing : a tower on the edge of a cliff at sunset.

To get to the tower one had to ‘hop a fence’ and I don’t exactly ‘hop’ anymore so it was pretty funny when on the way in AND on the way out I had two different groups of people helping me over…ha ha…and it worked!



Bourton-On-The-Water Model village


Sunset After Sudeley