When I’m 65

“When I get older, losing my hair many years from now…..will you still be sending me a valentine….?“

It’s hard to believe that I’m actually going to be a senior (officially!) when I’ve been singing that Beatles’ song since I was a teen. Argghhhh!

It makes it a bit easier because I am so close to my high school friends still ….and we’re all in this together! Ha ha.


I wish I were joking….ha ha ha again!

I’ve spent the last year trying to get my general body pains under control and have not really been too successful. I’ve learned that Cannabis did not work for me (not smoking but the oils) and that is a shame.

I’ve managed to lose 25 lbs and I’m hoping that the more I take the weight off of my sore joints the better I will feel.

We’ve made more changes in our home to make it easier for me to get up from chairs. (Chairs with arms, a chaise lounge on a riser, and a chair that lifts me up!) We had a breezeway built so I have less stairs in my life.

I work out in a pool 3 times a week. (That seems to be the best thing so far.)

But the VERY best things that get me through every day are being surrounded by love….and laughing a lot.

I feel the love of my family and friends and it lifts me up SO much. When I laugh I don’t feel any pain at all. And the love of God gives me great peace too.

I’m happy to get older because I love life. What a gift!

I have another way to deal with pain as I age that I’d like to share with you. Maybe it will help you to remember this too……


G’Oilers !


A Time For Prayer