“Maisie’s House”

We have another Christmas tradition. Every year we grab hot chocolates , a box of “Timbits”, and head out to look at the beautiful lights in our city.

This year, we pre-planned to go on our drive with our son, D’s family. Although we needed two cars, we had so much fun watching and listening to the reactions of our grandsons. It was SUCH a joy to see the joy in THEIR eyes as they looked at all the beautiful vignettes.

We surprised them with “Maisie’s House” where every inch of the home outside is decorated to the hilt!

We used to drive out to her home years ago but after Maisie passed away her son asked the city for help paying for the electricity bill because so many people were coming to visit and it’s obviously expensive to have that many lights running. Unfortunately, that’s a slippery slope and the city said, ‘No.”

But I was surprised to find out that the house is lit up again this year, although with less lights. Hard to believe when you check out my photos. But they actually used to decorate IN the house too and you could walk around and look at the displays set up in each window.

Just like my comments for the folks that set up those fantastic Hallowe’en displays….WHERE DO YOU STORE IT ALL? ha ha

We don’t know why you love to decorate your home in such an extravagant way but we sure are glad you did. Beautiful!

We also hope to visit another light display sometime in this holiday. I’ll keep you posted.


Throwback Thursday Laura’s Loves.


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