Nativity Scenes

It’s that time of year. We are reminded of the birth of the Christ child when we see a nativity scene.

They arrive on our cards and many of us have one in our homes. Do you?

When we were first married we owned a lovely little set of plaster figurines that were to be set inside the wooden manger building.

One day, when our twins were about 2 years old we heard the ‘evil’ laugh and we heard ‘SMASH, ha ha ha ha, SMASH, ha ha ha ha” etc. coming from our Calgary living room.

You guessed it. The wee girls were taking a figure and throwing it on the floor and then dying laughing when it exploded! Oh my.

We didn’t have a full nativity set for many years after that but one day I found one after we had moved to Edmonton. This is it…..

The figures are almost a foot high with a metal backdrop. I love it.

We also have a very tiny nativity scene in a real egg on our Christmas tree.

There are so many different kinds of nativity scenes from ones made out of plastic to ones made out of ….stones……

They are a wonderful reminder to think about the true meaning of Christmas.

What is yours like if you have one?


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My Moo…I Mean…New Painting.