
My children.

Covid took you away from me. But not forever.

The weeks ,then the months of solitude cocooned around me ,trapping my tears inside that dark, lonely space.

Don’t get me wrong :there were many happy times. But it was easy to feel the tears pooling at the corners of my eyes with just a thought : “I miss my children”.

A quiet Christmas with just the two of us had a beauty all its own. But the hearth looked bare and my heart missed the beat of little feet running up to the tree with excitement and anticipation. We created a way to visit with our daughter, Emily, and her boyfriend, Geoff, in -40 weather….they outside under a heater and surrounded by moving blanket “walls” ,and we inside speaking through the kitchen’s screened in door. We followed the Covid rules to stay safe. But there were no hugs.

We longed for our daughter in the States to come home amidst all the unrest (the National Guard shooting rubber bullets right down the street from her apartment.) We remain thankful for the technology that allows us to connect through it all.

And now we await our reunion with that daughter, Lana, this Wednesday…sadly without her boyfriend, Jeff. (so far…..)

What a reunion it will be! The hugs! Ever more appreciated and nevermore taken for granted after this desert time of separation.

My children. We long to be together and rejoice in the love we have as a family. And I am my mother and father’s child. The borders have opened and we have purchased our first plane tickets in over two years to fly into the arms of our parents this August.


Thanks be to God for this time of in-person togetherness. “Life is short” as it is said but the pandemic is long and continues on. I have held my ‘babies’ and my babies’ children and my heart is full.

Looking forward to the reunion with my dear friends as well. As the Captain and Tennille once sang,” Love will keep us together”.

Home. It calls to me. It calls my children to me. To us.

These glorious reunions.


Caring for Our Planet


Quiet crafting