Part 2: Off to Andrew, Alberta.

On the way home from Mundare Terry and I decided to head north first and visit the town of Andrew.

Although the day was warm enough to have enjoyed our picnic without coats we noticed plenty of ice in the ponds on either side of the road on the way over. Too bad I didn’t have my camera (other than my phone camera) because when I stopped to take photos of the numerous geese on the water/ice they simultaneously burst up and into the sky. It would have made for some incredible photography. 

We passed SO many dilapidated barns that I could have stopped the car every mile or so. I find those so interesting too.

The ride over was only about 10 or 15 minutes (if we hadn’t stopped several times for pictures) and the first thing we noticed when we passed the ‘Welcome to Andrew’ sign was a ……”World’s Biggest” statue of a Mallard. Woohoo!  We love those corny things. And that was a total fluke. Although we DID head to Mundare to take a photo of the World’s Biggest Sausage we were unaware of the W.’s B. Mallard. Cool! 

So , after taking our usual shot of Terry below the statue ,we checked out this next small but interesting town.

It is becoming more and more rare to see the old fashioned grain elevators so it was really neat to see TWO of them in the same town. There is almost a majesty to these old fellows.

There were at least three churches in the town but I have just included one photo of the Ukranian one.

Many of the main street buildings have the classic ‘false front’ kind of outline and one of them clearly says it was built in1929. I loved the looks of all of these establishments but once again it makes me sad to note how many have closed for good. 

My absolute favourite building of the day was of “Nick’s Service Shop”. It had such character to it and both of the original gas pumps right in front. Wow!  ( I think I will paint this sometime.)

I’m glad Terry likes exploring these towns as much as I do.

Do you like to do this too?


Old House


I love Small Towns.