Lana and Jeff’s Wedding continued

As the sun went down more and more guests arrived until we reached the 100 or so that had RSVP’d in the affirmative.

We soon heard word that it was time to take our seats from Lana’s dear friend, Brandon, (Who got his licence to officiate her wedding!)

Lana and Emily looked absolutely beautiful in their gowns and Jeff looked handsome too of course.

I didn’t want to get too emotional but seeing Emmy’s big eyes filled with tears did me in…ha ha.

Sarah and Kevin did an unusual ‘reading’ as they read from a children’s book with a theme about “We’d know you anywhere..and always love you.”

Lana and Jeff did beautiful vows that they wrote themselves.

J and D were hilarious as the MC’s and at every place setting there was a gift bag put together by Lana which consisted of popcorn and homemade toppings which was a reminder of her and Jeff’s first date : a movie in a graveyard. They thoughtfully included ‘stuffies’ into the gift bags for the wee ones.

The speeches were beautiful ( especially from Emily) and fun and I think ours went pretty well too. We loved the dinner they provided too : freshly cooked pizzas from the venue’s outdoor ovens and doughnuts for dessert!

I wish I could have had at least captured one unblurry photo of wee, 2 year old “R” dancing that night. He stood in the middle of the circle and hopped and hopped and laughed and hopped and danced tirelessly.

We all had a wonderful night and after photos and the dance the place shut down at 10 pm. The ‘oldies’ like us or the young parents went off to their hotel rooms but Sarah and Kevin hosted an afterparty for those who wanted to keep the party going! SO generous!

We’re thrilled for our daughter and her new husband, Jeff.

God bless them and their new adventures as a married couple.

Time to fly home…..


Our Breezeway


The Wedding!