Another Red’s Room Concert!

Terry and I (SPIRITLINE) have/has been honoured to be invited to perform at several “Red’s Room” concerts over the past couple of years and once again we played our original tunes on December 3rd, 2022.

Red decided to have an all Canadian lineup so of course we fit in perfectly as far as that went!

Luckily we put the work in to decorate our home early for Christmas as we are heading out to Ontario soon to visit with our families there. Nicer background for our Zoom concert I think.

We started off with sound check which Terry set up for the first time (without our daughter’s help) because we labelled everything. D’oh! Finally getting it…ha ha.

Sound check was quick and apparently clear for Red so we were all set to go in short order. And before you know it Saturday night arrived and it was time for the full performers sound check.

I was proud to be a part of the “Canada” Red’s Room. I know we have SO many talented folks in our country. Our host cracked me up by calling it “Canadia” .

We sat through the performances and think we performed o.k. for our own 20 minutes.

A big thanks for being invited by “Red” to perform on the livestream.


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