Advent Fun

Sometimes I just feel hopeless. I don’t know about you.

Maybe I should just stop reading the paper! Last night we had an actual earthquake that was felt in Edmonton!

I’ve been looking forward to our first Hawaii vacation since Covid and just found out that the Mauna Loa volcano has started erupting after many years.
The world’s largest active volcano is shooting fountains of lava more than 100 feet high and sending a river of molten rock down toward the main highway of Hawaii’s Big Island. People can feel the ash on their skin. Ugh.

And of course I worry about the wars (especially the illegal one against the Ukraine) and other disasters. 3 new flus, viruses abound, and that maddening Covid is STILL here! I could go on and on but I don’t want YOU to lose hope.

So: I keep creating, celebrating, and looking for the beauty at every turn. And THAT’S how we’ll win against all this evil.

I’ve been painting at the Marian Centre, meeting with dear friends when I can, doing my pool workouts, and singing too. And of course praying. I always need to stay close to God for peace in my heart.

One very cold and snowy day, I met my friend Jazz and my goddaughter, Harper, at the Brew and Bloom for a hot, delicious lunch and great conversations. It warmed my soul too.

And one new tradition that Terry started for us a couple of years ago is that on the first evening of Advent he starts reading to me a chapter a night, out of a fun Christmas book . There are always adorable characters and situations and he makes sure that we have completed the book on Christmas Eve. I LOVE being read to!

What are some ways that you can find HOPE in the season of Advent?


The Secret Code?


Another Red’s Room Concert!