The Sandwich Nook, Jose’s, Pam’s, The Backroad, The World Cup, and Red Lobster!

There’s a mouthful for you! And speaking of mouthfuls…..our gatherings involved a lot of food!

We’ve been blessed with some really great visits this week. We’ve hung out with both sets of our parents quite a bit (which was mostly the point of flying out) and had a chance for some lovely friends and siblings time too. But…… BUSY!

We seriously had almost every visit in a dining location and went from meal to meal. Fun for sure but really tiring too. Our life is a lot quieter at home.

It was SO cool that my friend, Cathy, made time to see me at the Sandwich Nook right around the corner from my parents’. We had a great catch up and the brunch type meal that I chose was yummy too.

We also had another set of Harrow residents come into town to be with us at Jose’s Grill in Windsor : our dear friends, Pat and Dewar!

That evening my sister, Pam, very kindly invited us over for my favourite meal (Home-cooked lasagna….and her’s is THE best I’ve ever had!) and she even baked two apple pies!

My parents and my sister, Mary, joined us and we all felt so spoiled with this fine meal. Dad brought the “Bend In the River” and it was also perfect.

After dinner, a “Wizard” game broke out for Pam, Dave, us, and Alaina, and I’m happy to say the Pam and I tied for the win!

After Sunday mass the “Drew clan” tried a new (but been around for 40 years) brunch place called “The Backroad Diner”. It was really great and we’ll be back!

After parting ways, Terry and I drove into Windsor downtown to pick up our dear friend, Fr. Tom, for a wee visit. We randomly chose a restaurant in the “Little Italy” area of town.

The first thing we noticed about the place is that it was filled with a group of men who were facing a large television screen which was showing the final match of the World Cup.

The men were so vocal about the game that at one point they all yelled and I almost dropped my cup of tea! We still managed to enjoy a nice chat with Fr. Tom but as the game got closer and closer to the finish, even we were getting caught up in the excitement of the crowd. When Argentina scored at one point, these 2 younger men were crying and screaming and they even knocked over their high top table. I found it hilarious!

The older guys kept going out for smoke breaks but still kept looking through the window so as not to miss any of the action on the screen.

When Argentina actually won the game those same two guys were hugging and swearing and the one guy threw his friend’s wallet on the floor and both their phones too! It was pandemonium!

The day ended with my family meeting up once again (!) at Red Lobster for a ‘good-bye’ dinner and we were happy to be joined by my brother, John and Nancy and Jordan, as well as my Uncle Dave and Aunt Heather. We had tons of laughs and the food was delicious too.

Heading to the plane tomorrow and happy to be flying home where our western families will soon be joining us.

Christmas and family. Lovely.


Rough Riding Home


Family Painting Day