Autumn Glory

I walk along the leafy carpet and feel the pleasing crunch under my shoes.

The autumn sun sits on my shoulders like a warm shawl and I can’t bear to be indoors. I need to be here, outside, amidst the colour of the leaves as they prepare for their last dance.

They cascade over the fences like a rainbow waterfall . They call over, “Look at me!” “No, over here!” They cannot help but show off at this time of year.

More and more of the azure sky peeks through as the strong arms of the trees sway in the breeze, allowing their finery to rain down in a seductive reveal.

Dappled shadows paint the nearby homes while the hydrangeas wave their ‘pom poms’ in a last hurrah.

Paintbox reds pour down over brilliant yellows and bright greens while the dried grasses swim and sway and whisper, “Hush” in the afternoon light.

It’s time to gently inhale the delicious scent of a hot cup of coffee while I take a break at a nearby bench. There is no agenda but to breathe and be.

A bee mistakes my straw coloured hair for a bouquet but soon recognizes his mistake. He is shortly on his way to work so that we have beautiful flowers for next year.

Oh how the reds pop against the apple greens! And the pumpkins that will soon appear on the porches. I love this time of year.

Fall reminds me that we all have a chance to renew if we so choose. But for now, let us spin and twirl and rejoice while clothed in our best apparel.

We never know what tomorrow will bring!

I give thanks for the beauty and the One who created it.


Orange Shirt Day


Saying Good-bye To Bob