Joy Around The Table

Our home was decked out in autumn finery and I spent an entire day baking . When I get into the pies I make some for Christmas as well and freeze them.

This year I made one blueberry, 2 pumpkin, and an apple pie with apples given to me by my great friend, Lou. Oh, and I also made 2 apple crisps.

But of course it’s not about the house , although I’m happy for our beautiful , warm home.

It’s not about the food, although I’m happy we have the ability to enjoy a wonderful meal.

It’s about the people in our lives. It’s about love. It’s about giving thanks for all of these people and things and remembering to thank God for our blessings.

(I also thanked God when our power returned after two hours without it the day before I was to cook our Thanksgiving dinner! ha ha)

On Sunday we attended a lovely mass then enjoyed our usual “Hap’s” brunch. We missed our friend, Jazz, and her family as she just had a baby! More thanksgiving!

Then it was time for me to get home and get to work. I had fun setting up a pretty table and before I knew it it was time to prepare the ham and scalloped potatoes.

Once those things were in the ovens I had a moment to sit on the back porch in the heavenly warmth and get my prayers done. Everything I did was a prayer of thanksgiving and then it was just time to wait for the guests to arrive.

Around 6 pm they joined us and we were all able to enjoy the back deck and a meet and greet for the first time with our daughter’s partner, Geoff’s, mum, Evelyn.

She brought us the most beautiful flowers too!

As they say, the ‘wine was flowing’ and so were the great conversations. It was just such a comfortable evening and the food tasted SO good. My sister, Paula, brought over two delicious vegetable dishes to go with our ham and potatoes and fresh buns.

Loved just hanging out and telling stories …and at the end of the dinner Emily turned our butter into a lamb. Don’t ask. HA HA HA

May you all feel the many blessings in your lives and truly know the gift of Thanksgiving.

Praying for peace in our oft broken world too.




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