What Is Church?

What does church mean to you?

Did you grow up going to a church?

Some people think of church as the building itself. That is a recognizable structure that most of us can see as a place to gather and pray.

Certain folks feel that their church is the forest , a place to be alone and at peace with creation.

Church to me is about finding communion with my Lord and being part of a community of believers.

Recently we went to a fundraising pancake breakfast at our church, St. John The Evangelist.

It was so encouraging to see so many high school students that volunteered to cook and serve the meal.

I understand that many have had horrible church experiences with leaders of their church communities that abused that power and even abused their ‘flock’. Terrible.

I happened to be blessed with a beautiful upbringing in the Catholic church. This was for me a safe place, a place where I met my best friends, and a place that gave me and continues to give me great peace.

My church gave me the sacraments : my baptism, first communion, reconciliation, marriage, and even the sacrament of the sick (for my sister at the time).

I love every one of these sacraments which have drawn me closer to God and continue to help me fight off temptation. Someday I hope to receive the Viaticum or ‘last rites’ before I die.

Every Sunday we gather together to pray and worship God with the mass. We are a community of believers.

But it is important to remember that we need to reach out to our communities beyond our church walls whatever they may be. Let’s also concentrate on the next generation. Be it teachers who model it with the children in their schools, parents who model goodness with their own children, or us as good neighbours with each other.

I believe there is only one God but many churches. And we are all brothers and sisters on this planet. Praying for each other is not only one way to make a difference but a powerful way to make a difference.

The homeless man lying on the ground at Tim Hortons is a child of God. Even the most evil human can be prayed for and we can be the cup that shares the wine of hope and the dish that serves the bread of life.

Church is much more than the four walls of a pretty building. And I love to see the beautiful basilicas around the world that honour the sanctity of our Heavenly Father.

But we are also church.





Joy Around The Table