In The Mist

In the mist it is difficult to see.

The fog can settle on us like a heavy shroud, weighing us down and making one feel alone.

We stumble about looking for light.

The mist hides the colour too.

But things are not black and white. We lose our way.

In the mist it can feel cold and we shiver.

Where is the comfort?

One can feel afraid to take the next step.

Who will help us?

In the mist it is difficult to breathe.

Days are long and we forget how to sing.

We trip and we often will fall.

We are bruised .

Where is the hope?

The mist holds us down ,keeps us chilled.

Lines are blurred.

Sounds seem muted.

The loudest often breaks through.

And yet.

If we stop.

Listen closely.

With an open heart.

An open mind.

We may hear a still, small voice.

Calling us.

Leading us.

Warming us.

In the midst of it all….

You are with us.


So Thankful


You Don’t See That Everyday !