Waterton Lakes

After a very long day of driving (9 hours with all of our stops!) we arrived at Waterton Lakes in time to see a beautiful sunset (through the smoke from the B.C. fires.)

We were bagged so it didn’t take us long to settle down after unpacking the car. Terry even saw a pretty deer right outside our lodge.

Our lodge bed didn’t do us any favours as it was hard and we both woke up with aching backs. Ugh.

But breakfast in the pizza restaurant across the street was excellent and a good start to our new day.

We enjoyed a walk around the town after breakfast and soon came upon a pretty, if stony, beach.

Funny about the smoke covered mountains: Terry and I have only visited Waterton once, years ago, and the same thing happened ….we couldn’t see the mountains! This time they are a little clearer at least.

And there was a bit of a breeze so that made the day more pleasant.

We thought we saw a sandy beach (nope) down the way so we went home to change into our bathing suits and drove over. The water was covering thousands of stones and although Terry tried to help me walk into the shallow lake and I was wearing water shoes …it was an almost non-starter. I almost twisted my ankles several times when my feet slipped in between the rocks so ….fail. ha ha.

We were lucky to find a picnic table nearby so we played our favourite game and passed the afternoon in a relaxing way…as one should if they can during a holiday.

Tomorrow Terry will golf and then we have booked something very special for the late afternoon/evening. To be continued…..

Peace, friends.


Beautiful Waterton


Writing on Stone