Frosty Fantasy

The cold. In Alberta our winter season can last for 6 months. I am not a ‘winter person’ but I can certainly see the beauty in our city …especially when the trees are covered in frost, the sun glinting off each branch like a coat of diamonds.

I drove around the city the other day to try and capture some of the radiance.

The sun was not able to shine through the clouds as much as I would have liked but I still tried to find a way to share with you the beauty I saw as I made my way through the city streets.

Isn’t it just like life for us to long for the sun when we can’t seem to see through the winter clouds? When I was driving around I was astounded at the number of marginalized folks holding up signs at almost every street corner it seemed. Each one was going through the humbling task of asking for money as they marched back and forth through the frigid temperatures. Where is the beauty in that?

I suppose the beauty comes from us, comes from those who ‘have’ who are able to give to those who don’t.

Friends of ours told us that they put together ‘little packs of sunshine’ to hand out to folks they sought out at bus shelters, subway tunnels, near charity buildings, etc. When they handed over the bags they lovingly put together for these folks, one fellow replied that the most appreciated thing for him was the bottle of water. He said people had no idea how difficult it is to find water when you are homeless/jobless. I never thought about that before.

Doug and his daughter, Kateiri, made the cloth bags up to include thermal socks, mittens, sweets, $5.00, and the water bottles. “Little bags of sunshine”.

I see beauty in my generous hearted friends and what they choose to do on nights when not everyone will make it through alive at -40.

The glittering beauty of the trees is often harshly contrasted with the killing cold.

I’m thinking about what I can do to bring out the sunshine in my neighbourhood. And while I look for the sun I will pray to ‘the Son’ for folks who are so in need.

It’s going to be a beautiful new year. Let’s share our light with others.


New Year Celebrations


It’s a New Year!