For Love of Edmonton: Part 2

What do you love about YOUR city?

There are things I don’t like of course. I don’t like the homelessness of so many people (we’re working on this) and how scary it can be to walk downtown now with all the marginalized/ substance filled poor souls. The construction of the new LRT is driving us all mad. I don’t like the careless way some people seem to just throw their rented scooters on the ground when they’re done with them. I don’t like months and months of snow either.

But we have some great neighbours, a gorgeous neighbourhood, and fantastic friends here. One of them, Rob Heath, took the last 3 photos above of the bridge in the early morning fog and of the Legislature…from his condo window.

I could go out and take TONS more photos of our beautiful city but these are just ones that happened along my usual routes.

I know there are so many incredible cities around the world…and even in Canada…but I’m happy with our city too. And when we travel…it’s always a pleasure to return home.

I’ll leave you with this photo from my friend, Ron Smith…. taken at the Folk Festival.


The Beverly Cafe


For Love Of Edmonton…Part 1