Man’s Best Friend(s)

I read this beautiful prayer for animals this week and thought I would share it with you….

“You who created them and called them good:

Bless again these creatures who come to us as a blessing fashioned of fur or feather or fin,
formed of flesh that breathes with your own breath, that you have made from sheer delight,
that you have given in dazzling variety.

Bless them who curl themselves around our hearts, who twine themselves through our days,
Who companion us in our labor, who call us to come and play.

Bless them who will never be entirely tamed and so remind us that you love what is wild,
That you rejoice in what lives close to the earth,
that your heart beats in the heart of these creatures you have entrusted to our care.“ 

From Blessing the Animals, by Jan Richardson

Bless all of these creatures who bring their gifts to our world:

  • Spiders and their mysterious webs as they trap the DNA of endangered animals. Australian scientists are using spider webs as a resource to track animals and monitor ecosystems.

  • Bats who can eat their body weight in insects. It is estimated that bats may save USA farmers over $20 billion per year by reducing crop damage and limiting the need for pesticides.

  • Bonobos, the closest relatives of human beings. Females lead the bonobos societies in the Democratic Republic of the Congo forming strong friendships and fostering peace.

  • Greater honeyguide, a bird who has a mutually beneficial relationship with humans who harvest wild honey in East Africa. It is one of only a few rare instances of wild animals and people working together.

  • Snails who produce mucus that helps with wound healing and the treatment of burns. Scientists in South Korea have found that snail mucus is known to have antibacterial and antifungal properties.

  • Weimaraner dogs who are used for their keen sense of smell and stamina to work at The Boston Museum of Fine Arts (USA) to protect artwork, delicate materials, wooden objects, and books from bugs who will eat and destroy the objects.

  • Service animals, emotional support animals, comfort animals and therapy animals around the world. They provide an array of skills and support to people in need.

  • Pets that change our lives with their sweetness, their unconditional love and companionship.

God of all life, we praise you for the gifts you have bestowed upon us in the form of animals. May we delight in their uniqueness, extend an abundance of love and respect to them, and treasure what they bring to our world. Amen.

World in Prayer.


The Michelin Man


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