June Front Porch Concert 2023

It was a little shocking to find out that our ‘headliner’ cancelled on us the day before our first Front Porch Concert of the season. Weather in June can be ‘iffy’ and we would always wait to the last second to see if the predictions of thunderstorms and rain would change.

And sure enough, by the afternoon the sun came out and the clouds blew away to provide us with the perfect weather for our outdoor concert.

The problem was that Terry and I had only been practicing to be the opening act with 2 songs each! But we decided that instead of cancelling our event we would ask my sister, Paula, and her husband Albert if they would do the whole concert with us and they said, “YES!”.

Our friend, Jazz, came over early with our godchildren and helped us with soundcheck and some photos too…. so that was nice!

Terry and I ended up performing 15 of our original songs while Paula did gorgeous harmonies and Albert accompanied us on his Djembé and other percussion instruments. Those two are so talented!

We decided that we would dress in Canada Day colours and although the audience was small they were kind and appreciative. I think most people thought it would still rain and made other plans.

“The show must go on” as they say and I’m glad we could make it happen.


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