Bay 1 Art Gallery

Recently, Terry and I were invited to a semi- private art show at a fairly new gallery in a warehouse bay down south called appropriately “Bay 1 Gallery”.

It’s a lovely space with plenty of room to display art . The bay is owned by a company that specializes in wood products so they decided to branch out (so to speak) and have art shows to compliment their own beautiful wood furniture creations.

We dropped by that day to see the gorgeous work of a man named Dale Kalbfleisch whose artwork is mostly carved wooden images.

We would have never known about this show except that Dale volunteers at the Marian Centre here in our city (they feed and clothe the homeless) and Gloria from the M.C. was there for the opening day and knew we would enjoy it too.


Dale chose wood that had the most beautiful textures and he uses ink, staining, routing, and his imagination to come up with prairie images of which we in the west can certainly relate.

He even had a beautiful guitar stand made of gorgeous woods.

His prices were reasonable for original art and every piece made one want to touch it to feel the beautiful textures. But in the gallery that day there were also many other beautiful artworks for us to enjoy like wooden cabinetry with hidden shelves, unique tables, and even some jewelry by local artists.

And Terry and I actually knew one of the jewelry artisans! Sue Zukewsky has painted pysanky with me at the Marian Centre and her husband is Terry’s golf partner on many a day. Small world.

To be honest, most of the pieces we loved the most were sold by the time we arrived but we did manage to find a beautiful “Dale original” and purchased it to support the artist and because we think it’s beautiful.

We were also able to give our information to the man who owns the gallery (Ralph Reichenbach) for a possible gallery show there ourselves. It would be the perfect venue for my “Ways To Get There” show.

Congratulations, Dale, and keep up the good work….as an artist AND as a volunteer at the Marian Centre. Good man.

We ended the day with a delicious ‘comfort food’ type meal at “Vi’s For Pies” around the corner from our home.

A good day for sure.


The Brew and Bloom


For The Beauty Of The Earth