July Front Porch Concert

It was fun rehearsing for our next summer Front Porch Concert.

We had to all be in my office ….ha ha…because our son was working from our home in the other part of the house.

After a really good rehearsal we treated ourselves to a ‘Vi’s For Pies’ lunch. Yum.

Showtime was soon upon us and the weather reports still said “95 %” chance of rain at 7 pm, our starting time. But we prayed about it (thanks to my prayer team for helping there) and continued on with trust that all would work out for the best.

Terry set up the stage in the hot sun and Marc Ladouceur showed up with tons of extra sound equipment to set up for the gig. We all had successful sound checks before the crowd arrived and the sky lost its blue.

SpiritLine opened the show and I think we did a pretty good job of “I Had a Dream Last Night”, “Breathe” (from my first album,”Waiting”), and Terry’s “Sheep River Falls” and “Morning Coffee”. Really fun to play with Paula and Albert. What a difference it makes for that nice, full sound. Thanks to them!

Anna brought me pretty roses from her garden which was a happy surprise. Marc brought so much sound equipment that we all worried about fitting into a spot for sound check but it all worked out.

I love Anna’s original music and although she did not choose to do an actual bluegrass set, her songs are so appealing and her stories are wonderful.

Marc is an incredible musician and we loved his instrumental breakouts with mando and guitar. Wow.

Funny that their grand kids kept jumping on the stage to just stand or sit there for the show…ha ha.

And ….the rain held off! The entire concert was performed in humid but dry weather and it wasn’t until we were running into our restaurant (Joey’s) for a late after show dinner that the skies really opened up for a huge downpour.

SpiritLine with Anna Somerville and Marc Ladouceur. ( And a grandson of theirs!)

We drove through an incredible sunset to get to the west side for dinner before the rains started….

Next Front Porch Concert is August 25th….


Pool Ladies


Parting Shots